Dear Participants,
Greetings from the Malaysian Nature Society Miri Branch (MNS Miri).
We are pleased to inform you that our MNS CFZ Workshop will take place this weekend 11-12th December at Kelab Rekreasi Petroleum, Lutong. Workshop registration will start at 1300hrs at Meeting Room No. 2. Please be prompt.
MNS Miri Branch under the funding of the Congregating Firefly Zone Survey Northern Sarawak 2010 by MNS Merdeka Fund, is currently compiling baseline data on congregating firefly zones (CFZ) of the mangrove lined rivers in Northern Sarawak. The work started in August 2010 at the branch level and will continue until April 2010. The project aims to create a CFZ directory for Northern Sarawak which hopefully will eventually culminate in a number of candidate locations suitable as targets for conservation or rural eco-tourism development.This particular workshop organised in Miri hopes to share the experiences and enthusiasm to date on the firefly survey and monitoring work in a 1.5 dayclassroom sessions and one evening fieldwork session.
Participants are expected to cover their own travel and accommodation expenses for the duration of their stay in Miri, they will be provided relevant materials and group meals. Transport to and from fieldsites will be provided by the organisers or carpool.
We hope at the conclusion of the workshop participants will have had good exposure about firefly conservation in Malaysia and several concrete ideas and steps to further improve the collective work in CFZ in Malaysia in general. It is also our fervent hope that the sharing of experiences on methodology and practical learnings during the event will spur further activities in firefly survey and monitoring in Sabah and Sarawak.
Further details:Congregating Firefly Zone Survey and Monitoring Workshop
Venue: Kelab Rekreasi Petroleum, 98100 Lutong, Sarawak
Date: 11-12th December 2010
With the objective of learning the basics about fireflies, methodologies and techniques for firefly survey and monitoring, the workshop hopes to share the collective experiences and enthusiasm to date on firefly work in Malaysia and abroad in a two day classroom sessions and an evening of fieldwork gathering firefly data at a selected local site.
At the conclusion of the workshop, participants will have had good exposure to firefly conservation initiatives in Malaysia and overseas, understanding of key firefly survey and monitoring techniques as well as opportunities to explore concrete ideas and steps to further improve the collective work in CFZ. This will hopefully lead to ways to advocate for their conservation.
It is our fervent hope that the the event will spur further activities in firefly survey and monitoring in Sabah and Sarawak in general.
MAIN RESOURCESonny Wong Senior Conservation Officer, MNS Conservation Division
Dr Mahadimenakbar Mohamed Dawood Institute of Tropical Biodiversity and Conservation, University Malaysia Sabah
Musa Musbah Project Executor, CFZ Survey Northern Sarawak 2010, MNS Miri Branch
Saturday 11th December 2010
1300-1400 hrs Registration at Meeting Room No. 2 KRP
1400-1415 hrs Introduction to MNS
1415-1500 hrs Introduction to Fireflies and bioluminescent organisms
1530-1600 hrs MNS Firefly and Habitat Conservation Initiatives
1600-1700 hrs CFZ Survey and Monitoring Techniques I
1700-2000 hrs CFZ Site Assessment and Survey Sg Adong
2100 hrs Group Dinner (venue to be confirmed)
Sunday 12th December 20100800-0900 hrs Group discussion on findings from Sg Adong/Sg Maloi
0900-1000 hrs CFZ Survey and Monitoring II
1000-1200 hrs Identifying fireflies in the field MMD,MM
1200-1400 hrs Group Lunch at Kelab Rekreasi Petroleum Lutong
1400-1415 hrs Introduction to CFZ Survey Northern Sarawak 2010
1415-1500 hrs Progress CFZ Northern Sarawak 2010
1500-1600 hrs Compiling and Interpreting CFZ Data
1600-1700 hrs General discussion of the way forward with CFZ
1700 hrs Closing and end of Workshop
In the event of rain or foul weather, the fieldsurvey of fireflies of Sg Adong will be conducted on the 2nd day of the course.
Participants are expected to cover their own travel and accommodation expenses for the duration of the course and relevant group meals. Transport to and from fieldsites will be provided by the organisers.
Partcipants to please revert with the following details to facilitate your access to KRP :
a) Full name, IC and HP no.
b) Car registration no.
c) whether you are able to furnish life-jackets for the planned boat-trip on Saturday.
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to revert to this email. If you require direction to KRP, please indicate in your reply email.
Thank you.
Yours Sincerely,
Nazeri Abghani
Project Lead, CFZ Survey Northern Sarawak 2010
MNS Miri Branch