CFZ Firefly Upper Sibuti River 30th Oct 2010
Upper Sibuti Firefly Night Time Assessment
Observers Name : Rebeca Cruz, Dominique, Sim, Anura, Aju, Nazeri, and Musa.

3 km Upper Sibuti River with 19 Display trees
River Water Property:
Specific gravity 1.002
Water temperature of 26.5° C
Air temperature is 24.0° C.
We set off from the jetty 18:30hrs.
Fieldnotes Upper Sibuti River CFZ Firefly
Survey Date : 30th. October 2010
START Time: 18:30
COMPLETION Time: 19:30
a. Moon: Last quarter, with no moon visible due to rain
b. Weather : Raining throughout the survey.
Relative Humidity: Wet
Temperature: Cold.
Water pH : 6
Wind : Windy
c. River Condition Current: No current, Rain runoff.
Boat used: Yamaha 15 hp and 3 hp
Survey Average Speed 6 Km/hr. Tide: high
Sungai Sibuti on 30 October 2010 (evening - tide rising)
Location Ambiant temperature River temperature
River SG River pH
Waypoint 284 24.0 26.5 1.002 6.0
Waypoint286 24.0 26.5 1.002 6.0
Waypoint 290 24.7 27.6 (not taken) 5.0
Sg Sibuti at HQ Sibuti Wildlife Sanctury 10am, falling tide
1.004 6.5
Sea water at Bungai Beach 11am, falling tide 1.020 7.5
WPT Date Time Side Fauna Estimate count
273 30-Oct-10 18:30 Left Firefly 5
274 30-Oct-10 18:33 Right Firefly 5
275 30-Oct-10 18:33 Right Firefly 5
276 30-Oct-10 18:35 Right Firefly 5
277 30-Oct-10 18:36 Right Firefly 10
278 30-Oct-10 18:38 Right Firefly 5
279 30-Oct-10 18:38 Right Firefly 5
280 30-Oct-10 18:46 Right Firefly 5
281 30-Oct-10 18:47 Right Firefly 15
282 30-Oct-10 18:51 Left Firefly 5
283 30-Oct-10 18:55 Left Crocodile 1
284 30-Oct-10 19:00 Left Firefly 20
285 30-Oct-10 19:07 Right Firefly 10
286 30-Oct-10 19:11 Right Firefly 50
287 30-Oct-10 19:13 Right Firefly 10
288 30-Oct-10 19:14 R and Left Firefly 50
289 30-Oct-10 19:18 Right Firefly 30
290 30-Oct-10 19:19 Right Firefly 50
291 30-Oct-10 19:31 Left Firefly 50