The Malayis Nature Society Miri branch Annual General Meeting session 2011/2012 was held at Beraya Laut Resort, about 30 kilometers south west of Miri. We decided to have a firefly of Raan River, and at the same time collecting data for the firefly display trees. Sungai Raan is 2 kilometers Sout East of Miri. Sungai Raan Share same Estuary with Bakam river.
We are to meet at bakam Jetty just at the side of the road where the food stall and The Bakam bridge is. We have rented 3 boats for this occassion. The three boat drivers have waited for us. The boats belong to Pak Jugi who is the fisherman.
Nazeri is helping to push the boat with a long stick.
Before going into the boats, Nazeri gave the participants Boat Safety briefing. The most important is not to sit at the boat side and not to put your hand on the boat side. There are crocodidile in the river and they dont post any danger, if we stay in the boat.
As I have been told by pak Jugi the tide that night is very low. ”It would be difficult for us to pass through at the second bridge” he said. The moon is at it late last quater.
The boatman is pointing where a crocodile is.
When all the boats are loaded wit people, went out to the Bakam River mouth. This is where the Raan river river mouth is. We went into river Raan and the first Display tree was still the same one previously mapped to the left of our track before the bridge. The bridge is for the local to cross the river, where the Muslim cemetry located. The Cristain cemmetry is alocated not far from the muslim cemetery. All along the river we saw Firefly display Trees.
Boat landing Huts.
When we passed the area where the boat landing and jetty for the local, there are no nmore display trees seen. We went through many patches of shallow water where it was difficult for the boat to monevour.
Boatman pushing the boat at river with crocodile infested Raan
We did pass throuh the hawai beach bridge. But as we went out about 100meters further we got stuck at the sand bottom of the river. Our boat man jump into the river trying to get the boat pass the shallow area, but failed. He suggested we should wait for the water to rise. The tide should be coming in at 10pm. We decided we just turn back.
It was difficult for the boat man to turn the boat . Finally we manange to turn the boat and going back is a little easier because the water is also still going down.
As we make our move slowly along the river one of the local residence asking out boat driver “Tengok Buaya kah?”. “Looking at crocodile” the man at the side of rier asked. Our boat driver answer “Mana ada buaya lagi, lu orang dah tembak”. It is well known amoung the local there that the wild crocodile in the river are either nettet or shot to be send to Miri Restaurant.
Nazeri is to move to the bridge to control the situation
It was dark at some area where the firefly display trees are. But this will soon be gone. The light fron the street light and car head lamp do passed through the thin three curtain along the river. We finished our trip at 10 pm.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
MNS Miri Branch New Committee for 2011-2012

MNS Miri concluded their Branch AGM held at Baraya Laut Resort, Kpg Baraya, Miri, Sarawak 30th July 2011 with the election of fresh faces for branch Committee. The AGM went smoothly with twenty-two stalwart members attending the event.
The new committee,
The new committee,
Chairperson : Peter Pillai
Vice-Chairperson : Musa Musbah
Secretary : Joyce Sivalingam
Treasurer : Amer Matridi Mansor
Committee : Miriam Chacko, Marlene Lim (Co-opted)
Immediate-past Chairperson : Anura Dason
Those in attendance were later treated to an early dinner consisting of kelupis and satay ordered specially for the occasion. Dinner was then followed by a short firefly cruise along Sg Raan for members and their family.
Special mention goes to Committee members from 2010-2011 who made this event all possible.
Those in attendance were later treated to an early dinner consisting of kelupis and satay ordered specially for the occasion. Dinner was then followed by a short firefly cruise along Sg Raan for members and their family.
Special mention goes to Committee members from 2010-2011 who made this event all possible.
Here's to another productive year for MNS Miri!
MNS Miri
MNS Miri
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