Beringin trees or Gurah in Sibuti river. My inlaw, wife and two niece went along all small kampong I used to go before.
First I went to where Pak Samat said about a big tree at Hunai Junction. The Bridge cross Hunai River a small Distributary’s of Satap River. True enough there is a big berembang tree. That marked as 440 in my GPS
Then we went into Hunai junction. This road is following Hunai River. Then we saw 3 big Berembang trees. These tree marked 441,442 and 443 in my GPS.
Then we went along the Hunai road where the kampong is of the other side of the small river.
We did turn to the right going out to Danau Junction.
From Danau Junction we turn right to go back to Bekenu, and turn left into Nusah.

Nusah Floodgate.
Nusah is a small padi planting area where it used to flood. A floodgate at 448 is was build to irrigate the area. But somehow the land is not so suitable for padi because of salt water entering the area at high tide. Then the floodgate was abandoned. The floodgate was vandalised and no longer working. I have identified a Gurah tree marked at 447.

Gurah or Lurah tree

Gurah Fruit.
Gurah tree is locally called here as Lurah tree. Not far eh!. According to my In-law the fruit is used to poison fish by smashing them and draining the sap into small stream.
The bark of the tree is pounded and the sap is used to also poison fish. The pounded the bark is then dried use to make mosquito repellent like a mosquito coil.
I have identified an area with magenta where the road runs along Nosa River a small distributary’s of Satap River. This is an area where we could study Firefly with out boat. Just walking along the road. Can enjoy a night Firefly Display and photography with camera stand.

An Abandoned Floodgate Maintainance workers.

This is the end of the Track I made. This is called Kuala Nosa.
I was thinking of going back there at night but I was so tired because I went to Sepupok, Niah also to find out any potential of firefly Display.
According to my in-law brother Pak Bojeng, there are still plenty of fireflies along Sepupok, Niah River Distributary.

Nusah Padi Field.

Pak dollah and Pak Ali two of the Padi field owners.

Dry Padi Hut.

Another potential of 2 km Road along Majelin river.
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